Ways of making change

How many ways can one make change for a given amount (say, $1.00) using an unlimited amount of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies?


 * MakeChange.cpp


 *  Created on: May 14, 2012

 *      Author: Kiran Hegde


#include <iostream>

#include <sstream>

#include <string>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;


 * To hold quantity of each denomination through recursive calls


struct Change {

    int quarters; //25c

    int dimes; //10c

    int nickels; //5c

    int pennies; //1c



 * Recursively call this function with the lower denominations and reduced

 * total amount.  Total amount is reduced by (# of coins * prev denom)


int makeChange(int total, int denom, Change &temp, vector<Change> &output) {

    int next_denom = 0;

    switch(denom) {

    case 25:

        next_denom = 10;


    case 10:

        next_denom = 5;


    case 5:

        next_denom = 1;


    case 1:

        //Base case - call returns when no more lower denominations exists

        //Each way of making change is stored in output as a copy

        temp.pennies = total;


        return 1;


    int noWays = 0;

    for (int i=0; i*denom <= total; i++) {

        if (denom == 25)

            temp.quarters = i;

        if (denom == 10)

            temp.dimes = i;

        if (denom == 5)

            temp.nickels = i;

        noWays += makeChange(total - i*denom, next_denom, temp, output);


    return noWays;





int makeChange(int total, vector<Change> &output) {

    Change temp;

    temp.dimes = 0; temp.nickels = 0; temp.pennies = 0; temp.quarters = 0;

    //Start with the highest denomination

    return makeChange(total, 25, temp, output);



 * Convert Change object to a string


string getChangeString(Change chg) {

    ostringstream result;

    result << chg.quarters << " quarters " <<  chg.dimes <<

            " dimes " <<  chg.nickels << " nickels "

            <<  chg.pennies << " pennies";

    return result.str();



 * Test the code


int main() {

    vector<Change> changeList;

    int total = 100;

    int noWays = makeChange(total, changeList);

    cout << "There are " << noWays << " ways to make change for " << total

            << " cents using quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies:" << endl;

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<changeList.size(); i++) {

        cout << getChangeString(changeList[i]) << endl;


    return 0;
