Implement a binary tree

Implement a binary tree and solve the following:

1) Write a function to find the immediate common ancestor of any two nodes in the tree

2)  Print elements in pre-order, in-order and post-order traversals

3)  Check if a binary tree is a Binary Search Tree


 * BinaryTreeNode.cpp


 *  Created on: Apr 21, 2012

 *      Author: Kiran Hegde


#include <iostream>

#include <algorithm>

#include <queue>

#include <string>

#include <list>

#include <limits>

using namespace std;

class BinaryTreeNode {

public :

    BinaryTreeNode(int d) : left(NULL), right(NULL), data(d) {}

    ~BinaryTreeNode() {

        if (left != NULL) {

            delete left;

            left = NULL;


        if (right != NULL) {

            delete right;

            right = NULL;



    //Method to insert data to create a binary search tree (i.e. left <= node < right)

    void insert(int x) {

        if (x < data) {

            if (left != NULL)


            else {

                BinaryTreeNode *node = new BinaryTreeNode(x);

                left = node;



        else {

            if (right != NULL)


            else {

                BinaryTreeNode *node = new BinaryTreeNode(x);

                right = node;




    //Method to find d if this is a binary search tree

    BinaryTreeNode *find(int d) {

        if (d == data) {

            return this;


        else {

            if (d < data) {

                return (left != NULL ? left->find(d) : NULL);


            else if (d > data){

                return (right != NULL ? right->find(d) : NULL);



        return NULL;


    int height() {

        int heightLeft = (left == NULL ? 0: left->height());

        int heightRight = (right == NULL ? 0: right->height());

        int height = 1 + max(heightLeft, heightRight);

        return height;


    BinaryTreeNode *left;

    BinaryTreeNode *right;

    int data;



 * Create a Binary Tree from any array.  The tree is created such that beginning

 * of the array is mapped to the root of the tree and subsequent array elements

 * are added as the children, going from left to right and top to bottom


BinaryTreeNode *createBinaryTreeFromArray(int *array, int size) {

    if (array == NULL) {

        return NULL;


    queue<BinaryTreeNode *> myQueue;

    BinaryTreeNode *root = new BinaryTreeNode(array[0]);


    bool done = false;

    int i = 1;

    while (!done) {

        BinaryTreeNode *node = myQueue.front();

        if (node->left == NULL) {

            node->left = new BinaryTreeNode(array[i]);




        else if (node->right == NULL) {

            node->right = new BinaryTreeNode(array[i]);




        else {



        if (i == size)

            done = true;


    return root;



 * Recursive function to create a binary search tree from sorted array


BinaryTreeNode *createMinimalBST(int *array, int start, int end, int level) {

    if (end < start) {

        return NULL;


    int mid = (start + end)/2;

    BinaryTreeNode *node = new BinaryTreeNode(array[mid]);

    node->left = createMinimalBST(array, start, mid-1, level + 1);

    node->right = createMinimalBST(array, mid+1, end, level + 1);

    return node;



 * Create a minimal Binary Search Tree from any array


BinaryTreeNode *createMinimalBSTFromArray(int *array, int size) {

    //First sort the array

    list<int> dataList;

    for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {




    list<int>::iterator it;

    int i=0;

    for (it=dataList.begin(); it != dataList.end(); it++) {

        array[i++] = *it;


    BinaryTreeNode *root = createMinimalBST(array, 0, size-1, 0);

    return root;


void printTree(BinaryTreeNode *root) {

    if (root == NULL){



    queue<BinaryTreeNode *> treeQueue;

    queue<int> levelQueue;

    queue<int> parentQueue;

    queue<string> rightLeftFlagQueue;





    cout << "Level 1: ";

    int prevLevel = 0;

    while(! treeQueue.empty()) {

        BinaryTreeNode *node = treeQueue.front();

        int level = levelQueue.front();

        if (node != NULL) {

            if (level > prevLevel) {

                prevLevel = level;

                cout << endl;

                cout << "Level " << level + 1 << ": ";


            int parentData = parentQueue.front();

            string rightLeftFlag = rightLeftFlagQueue.front();

            if (level > 0) {

                cout << parentData << "-->" ;


            cout << node->data << " ";

            if (level > 0) {

                cout << rightLeftFlag << "  ";


            if (node->left != NULL) {


                levelQueue.push(level + 1);




            if (node->right != NULL) {


                levelQueue.push(level + 1);











void preOrderTraversal(BinaryTreeNode *root) {

    if (root == NULL)


    cout << root->data << " ";




void inOrderTraversal(BinaryTreeNode *root) {

    if (root == NULL)



    cout << root->data << " ";



void postOrderTraversal(BinaryTreeNode *root) {

    if (root == NULL)




    cout << root->data << " ";


bool isParent(BinaryTreeNode *node1, BinaryTreeNode *node2) {

    if (node1 == NULL)

        return false;

    if (node1 == node2)

        return true;

    return (isParent(node1->left, node2) || isParent(node1->right, node2));



 * Find the closest ancestor (if any) that is common to both node1 and node2

 * in a binary tree represented by ancestor.


BinaryTreeNode *findCommonAncestor(BinaryTreeNode *ancestor, BinaryTreeNode *node1,

        BinaryTreeNode *node2) {

    if (ancestor == NULL) {

        return NULL;


    bool isNode1OnLeft = isParent(ancestor->left, node1);

    bool isNode2OnLeft = isParent(ancestor->left, node2);

    if (isNode1OnLeft != isNode2OnLeft)

        return ancestor;

    else {

        if (isNode1OnLeft)

            return findCommonAncestor(ancestor->left, node1, node2);


            return findCommonAncestor(ancestor->right, node1, node2);




 * Helper to check whether BST


bool checkIfBST(BinaryTreeNode *root, int leftVal, int rightVal) {

    if (root == NULL)

        return true;

    if ((root->data > rightVal) || (root->data < leftVal))

        return false;

    return (checkIfBST(root->left, leftVal, root->data) &&

            checkIfBST(root->right, root->data, rightVal));



 * Check if a binary tree is a binary search tree (BST)


bool checkIfBST(BinaryTreeNode *root) {

    return checkIfBST(root, numeric_limits<int>::min(), numeric_limits<int>::max());



 * Test the code


int main() {

    int treeArray[] = { 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};

    cout << "Array: " << endl;

    for (int i=0; i<17; i++) {

        cout << treeArray[i] << " ";


    cout << endl << endl;

    //Binary tree created from array with each element

    BinaryTreeNode *root = createBinaryTreeFromArray(treeArray, 17);

    cout << "Binary Tree from array: height = " << root->height() << endl;


    cout << endl << "Found '10' in tree: " <<

            (root->find(10) != NULL?"Yes":"No") << endl;

    cout << "BST? " << (checkIfBST(root)?"Yes":"No") << endl;

    //Pre-Order, In-Order and Post-Order Traversal

    cout << endl << "Pre Order Traversal: " << endl;


    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "In Order Traversal: " << endl;


    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "Post Order Traversal: " << endl;


    cout << endl << endl;

    //Create a Binary Search Tree from the same array

    BinaryTreeNode *rootBST = new BinaryTreeNode(treeArray[0]);

    for (int i=1; i<17; i++) {



    cout << endl << "Binary Search Tree from array: height = "

            << rootBST->height() << endl;


    cout << endl << "Found '10' in tree: " <<

            (rootBST->find(10)!= NULL?"Yes":"No") << endl;

    cout << "BST? " << (checkIfBST(rootBST)?"Yes":"No") << endl;

    //Create a minimal Binary Search Tree from the same array

    BinaryTreeNode *rootMinBST = createMinimalBSTFromArray(treeArray, 17);

    cout << endl << endl << "Minimum Binary Search Tree from array: height = "

            << rootMinBST->height() << endl;


    cout << endl << "Found '10' in tree: " <<

            (rootMinBST->find(10)!= NULL?"Yes":"No") << endl;

    cout << "BST? " << (checkIfBST(rootMinBST)?"Yes":"No") << endl;

    BinaryTreeNode *n1 = rootMinBST->find(10);

    BinaryTreeNode *n2 = rootMinBST->find(17);

    BinaryTreeNode *res = findCommonAncestor(rootMinBST, n1, n2);

    cout << endl << "The closest ancestor to " << n1->data << " and " << n2->data

            << " is " << res->data << endl;



