Check for path in a directed graph

Check for existence of a path from "start" node to "end" node in a directed graph.


 * CheckPathExistsFromStartToEnd.cpp


 *  Created on: May 07, 2012

 *      Author: Kiran Hegde


#include <iostream>

#include <queue>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class GraphNode {

public :

    enum State {NotVisited, Visited};

    GraphNode(int d): data(d) {}

    ~GraphNode() {

        vector<GraphNode *>::iterator it;

        for (it = adjacentNodes.begin(); it < adjacentNodes.end(); it++) {

            delete (*it);



    void addNode(GraphNode *node) {



    vector<GraphNode *> adjacentNodes;

    State state;

    int data;



 * Collection of interconnected nodes


class Graph {


    void addNode(GraphNode *node) {



    vector<GraphNode *> nodes;



 * Print each node and its adjacent nodes (directed)


void printGraph(Graph *graph) {

    if (graph == NULL){



    vector<GraphNode *>::iterator it1;

    for (it1 = graph->nodes.begin(); it1 < graph->nodes.end(); it1++) {

        cout << "Node: " << (*it1)->data << " --> adjacent: ";

        vector<GraphNode *>::iterator it2;

        for (it2 = (*it1)->adjacentNodes.begin();

                it2 < (*it1)->adjacentNodes.end(); it2++) {

            cout << (*it2)->data << " " ;


        cout << endl;




 * Create a directed graph


Graph *createGraph() {

    GraphNode *n0 = new GraphNode(0);

    GraphNode *n1 = new GraphNode(1);

    GraphNode *n2 = new GraphNode(2);

    GraphNode *n3 = new GraphNode(3);

    GraphNode *n4 = new GraphNode(4);

    GraphNode *n5 = new GraphNode(5);

    GraphNode *n6 = new GraphNode(6);

    GraphNode *n7 = new GraphNode(7);

    GraphNode *n8 = new GraphNode(8);













    Graph *graph = new Graph();










    return graph;



 * Essentially a Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm


bool doesPathExist(Graph *graph, GraphNode *start, GraphNode *end) {

    if (graph == NULL)

        return false;

    vector<GraphNode *>::iterator it;

    // To begin with mark all nodes as "Not Visited"

    for (it = graph->nodes.begin(); it < graph->nodes.end(); it++) {

        (*it)->state = GraphNode::NotVisited;


    queue<GraphNode *> nodesQueue;

    // First enqueue the start node


    /* Dequeue the node from the queue and examine it

     * if queue is empty, every node in the graph has been examined and the

     * desired node was not found */

    while(! nodesQueue.empty()) {

        GraphNode *node = nodesQueue.front();


        if (node != NULL) {

            //if node is found return true

            if (node == end)

                return true;

            vector<GraphNode *>::iterator it1;

            for (it1 = node->adjacentNodes.begin(); it1 < node->adjacentNodes.end(); it1++) {

                //enqueue adjacent nodes that have not been visited yet

                if ((*it1)->state == GraphNode::NotVisited) {




            //Mark current node as visited

            node->state = GraphNode::Visited;



    return false;



 * Test the code


int main() {

    Graph *graph = createGraph();


    GraphNode *start = graph->nodes[2];

    GraphNode *end = graph->nodes[3];

    cout << endl;

    cout << "Path: from node " << start->data << " to " << end->data <<

            " exists: "<< (doesPathExist(graph, start, end) ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;

    start = graph->nodes[3];

    end = graph->nodes[8];

    cout << "Path: from node " << start->data << " to " << end->data <<

                " exists: "<< (doesPathExist(graph, start, end) ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
