Permutations with parenthesis

Find all valid permutations of N parenthesis.  For example if N = 2, the following permutations are possible - {{}}, {}{}


 * PermutationsWithParenthesis.cpp


 *  Created on: May 14, 2012

 *      Author: Kiran Hegde


#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void addParenthesis(int leftParens, int rightParens,

        string str, vector<string> &output) {

    if (leftParens < 0 || rightParens < 0) {



    if (leftParens == 0 && rightParens == 0)


    else {

        if (leftParens > 0) {

            addParenthesis(leftParens-1, rightParens, str + "{", output);


        if (rightParens > leftParens) {

            addParenthesis(leftParens, rightParens-1, str + "}", output);




void createParenthesis(int noParenPairs, vector<string> &output) {

    addParenthesis(noParenPairs, noParenPairs, string(""), output);



 * Test the code


int main() {

    vector<string> parenList;

    int noOfParenPairs = 3;

    createParenthesis(noOfParenPairs, parenList);

    cout << "Permutations with " << noOfParenPairs

            << " pairs of parenthesis: " << parenList.size() << endl;

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<parenList.size(); i++) {

        cout << parenList[i] << endl;


    return 0;
