Count ways to climb steps

Find the number of ways to reach the top of the stairs given that there are N steps in total.  A person can climb 1, 2 or 3 steps at a time.


 * NoWaysToClimbSteps.cpp


 *  Created on: May 10, 2012

 *      Author: Kiran Hegde


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


 * Since 1, 2 or 3 steps can be climbed at a time,

 * The last step can be reached from the (last - 1), (last - 2) and

 * (last - 3) steps.  Each of these steps in turn can be reached in a

 * similar manner.  Recursive solution.


int countWays(int noSteps, int *cache) {

    if (noSteps < 0) {

        return 0;


    else if (noSteps == 0) {

        return 1;


    else if (cache[noSteps] >= 0) {

        return cache[noSteps];


    else {

        cache[noSteps] = countWays(noSteps - 1, cache) +

                countWays(noSteps - 2, cache) +

                countWays(noSteps - 3, cache);

        return cache[noSteps];






int countWays(int noSteps) {

    int *cache = new int[noSteps+1];

    for (int i=0; i<noSteps+1; i++) {

        cache[i] = -1;


    int result = countWays(noSteps, cache);

    delete[] cache;

    return result;



 * Test the code


int main() {

   // Assume that there are 25 steps in total

   int noSteps = 25;

   cout << "No of ways to climb " << noSteps << " steps: " <<

           countWays(noSteps) << endl;

   return 0;
