Basic string functions

Implement basic string manipulation functions such as - strchr, strcmp, strcpy, strcat, etc.


 * StringFuncs.cpp


 *  Created on: Apr 9, 2012

 *      Author: Kiran Hegde


#include <string.h>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


 * The following functions are based on public domain implementation


/* strchr */

char *mystrchr(const char *s, int c) {

    /* Scan s for the character.  When this loop is finished,

  s will either point to the end of the string or the

  character we were looking for.  */

    while (*s != '\0' && *s != (char) c)


    return ((*s == c) ? (char *) s : NULL);


/* strcmp */

int mystrcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) {

    unsigned char uc1, uc2;

    /* Move s1 and s2 to the first differing characters

  in each string, or the ends of the strings if they

  are identical.  */

    while (*s1 != '\0' && *s1 == *s2) {




    /* Compare the characters as unsigned char and

  return the difference.  */

    uc1 = (unsigned char) *s1;

    uc2 = (unsigned char) *s2;

    return ((uc1 < uc2) ? -1 : (uc1 > uc2));


/* strcpy */

char *mystrcpy(char *s1, const char *s2) {

    char *dst = s1;

    const char *src = s2;

    /* Do the copying in a loop.  */

    while ((*dst++ = *src++) != '\0')

        ; /* The body of this loop is left empty. */

    /* Return the destination string.  */

    return s1;


/* strncat */

char *mystrncat(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) {

    char *s = s1;

    /* Loop over the data in s1.  */

    while (*s != '\0')


    /* s now points to s1's trailing null character, now copy

  up to n bytes from s1 into s stopping if a null character

  is encountered in s2.

  It is not safe to use strncpy here since it copies EXACTLY n

  characters, NULL padding if necessary.  */

    while (n != 0 && (*s = *s2++) != '\0') {




    if (*s != '\0')

        *s = '\0';

    return s1;


/* strncmp */

int mystrncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) {

    unsigned char uc1, uc2;

    /* Nothing to compare?  Return zero.  */

    if (n == 0)

        return 0;

    /* Loop, comparing bytes.  */

    while (n-- > 0 && *s1 == *s2) {

        /* If we've run out of bytes or hit a null, return zero

  since we already know *s1 == *s2.  */

        if (n == 0 || *s1 == '\0')

            return 0;




    uc1 = (unsigned char) *s1;

    uc2 = (unsigned char) *s2;

    return ((uc1 < uc2) ? -1 : (uc1 > uc2));


/* strncpy */

char *mystrncpy(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n) {

    char *dst = s1;

    const char *src = s2;

    /* Copy bytes, one at a time.  */

    while (n > 0) {


        if ((*dst++ = *src++) == '\0') {

            /* If we get here, we found a null character at the end

  of s2, so use memset to put null bytes at the end of

  s1.  */

            memset(dst, '\0', n);




    return s1;


/* strrchr */

char *mystrrchr(const char *s, int c) {

    const char *last = NULL;

    /* If the character we're looking for is the terminating null,

  we just need to look for that character as there's only one

  of them in the string.  */

    if (c == '\0')

        return strchr(s, c);

    /* Loop through, finding the last match before hitting NULL.  */

    while ((s = strchr(s, c)) != NULL) {

        last = s;



    return (char *) last;



 * test the functions


int main() {

    const char *testStr = "hello string";

    cout << "s = " << testStr << endl;

    cout << "mystrchr (s, 'l') = ";

    cout << mystrchr(testStr, 'l') << endl;

    cout << "mystrrchr (s, 'l') = ";

    cout << mystrrchr(testStr, 'l') << endl;

    cout << "mystrcmp (s, 'help')= ";

    cout << mystrcmp(testStr, "help") << endl;

    cout << "mystrcmp (s, 'heck')= ";

    cout << mystrcmp(testStr, "heck") << endl;

    cout << "mystrcmp (s, 'hello string')= ";

    cout << mystrcmp(testStr, "hello string") << endl;

    cout << "mystrncmp (s, 'help', 3)= ";

    cout << mystrncmp(testStr, "help", 3) << endl;

    cout << "mystrncmp (s, 'help', 4)= ";

    cout << mystrncmp(testStr, "help", 4) << endl;

    cout << "mystrncmp (s, 'held', 4)= ";

    cout << mystrncmp(testStr, "held", 4) << endl;

    char temp[256];

    const char *constStr = "some string";

    cout << "s = " << constStr << endl;

    mystrcpy(temp, constStr);

    cout << "After mystrcpy(temp, s), temp = ";

    cout << temp << endl;

    mystrncpy(temp, constStr, 4);

    cout << "After mystrncpy(temp, s, 6) temp = ";

    cout << temp << endl;

    cout << "After mystrncat(temp, s, 20) temp = ";

    mystrncat(temp, testStr, 20);

    cout << temp << endl;
