In-order successor

Find the next in-order successor of a binary tree node.  Assume that each node maintains a pointer to its parent.


 * NextNodeInOrderSuccession.cpp


 *  Created on: May 05, 2012

 *      Author: Kiran Hegde


#include <iostream>

#include <queue>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class BinaryTreeNode {

public :

    BinaryTreeNode(int d) : left(NULL), right(NULL), parent(NULL), data(d) {}

    ~BinaryTreeNode() {

        if (left != NULL) {

            delete left;

            left = NULL;


        if (right != NULL) {

            delete right;

            right = NULL;



    void setLeftChild(BinaryTreeNode *node) {

        left = node;

        left->parent = this;


    void setRightChild(BinaryTreeNode *node) {

        right = node;

        right->parent = this;


    BinaryTreeNode *left;

    BinaryTreeNode *right;

    BinaryTreeNode *parent;

    int data;





void printTree(BinaryTreeNode *root) {

    if (root == NULL){



    queue<BinaryTreeNode *> treeQueue;

    queue<int> levelQueue;

    queue<string> rightLeftFlagQueue;




    cout << "Level 1: ";

    int prevLevel = 0;

    while(! treeQueue.empty()) {

        BinaryTreeNode *node = treeQueue.front();

        int level = levelQueue.front();

        if (node != NULL) {

            if (level > prevLevel) {

                prevLevel = level;

                cout << endl;

                cout << "Level " << level + 1 << ": ";


            string rightLeftFlag = rightLeftFlagQueue.front();

            if (level > 0) {

                cout << node->parent->data << "-->" ;


            cout << node->data << " ";

            if (level > 0) {

                cout << rightLeftFlag << "  ";


            if (node->left != NULL) {


                levelQueue.push(level + 1);



            if (node->right != NULL) {


                levelQueue.push(level + 1);










 * Given a binary tree node, returns the next in-order successor node


BinaryTreeNode *getInOrderSuccessor(BinaryTreeNode *node) {

    if (node == NULL)

        return NULL;

    //If the node is the root or if it has a right sub-tree

    if ((node->parent == NULL) || (node->right != NULL)) {

        //return the leftmost child of right sub-tree

        BinaryTreeNode *n = node->right;

        while (n->left != NULL) {

            n = n->left;


        return n;


    //If the node does not have right children, the next node should be upwards

    //If the is a left child, return the parent

    //If the node is a right child, the parent has already been visited, therefore

    // go up further till a left child is found.  Return the parent node.

    else {

        BinaryTreeNode *n = node;

        BinaryTreeNode *p = node->parent;

        if (p != NULL && p->left != n) {

            n = p;

            p = p->parent;


        return p;


    return NULL;



 * Test the code


int main() {

    BinaryTreeNode *n0 = new BinaryTreeNode(0);

    BinaryTreeNode *n1 = new BinaryTreeNode(1);

    BinaryTreeNode *n2 = new BinaryTreeNode(2);

    BinaryTreeNode *n3 = new BinaryTreeNode(3);

    BinaryTreeNode *n4 = new BinaryTreeNode(4);

    BinaryTreeNode *n5 = new BinaryTreeNode(5);

    BinaryTreeNode *n6 = new BinaryTreeNode(6);








    BinaryTreeNode *nextNode = getInOrderSuccessor(n4);

    cout << endl << endl << "In-order successor of 4 is: " << nextNode->data << endl;

    nextNode = getInOrderSuccessor(n3);

    cout << endl << "In-order successor of 3 is: " << nextNode->data << endl;

